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Mochi Skin (5).png
Mochi Skin (5).png

Multi Ex-Lifting Set



  • Extracted from 10 kinds of peptides (Sh-Oligo1; RH-Oligo1; ShOligo2, Acetylehexa 8; Sh-penta 19…) are expensive, especially with Human Oligo peptide (1 formof protein) to help absorb into the skin; providing protein, stimulates protein production, increases collagen, increases elasticity, improves wrinkles, shrinks pores,stretches and shines when used.


  • The product contains Beta glucan yeast, and BSASMextract (extractedfrom7natural plants) ... helps to regenerate, restore, and regenerate the skin, so it is considered as a form of botox for facial skin. 
  • The product brings the best effect for aging skin, with many wrinkles and weak skin in need of recovery
  • The product has been sold for nearly 20 years in Korea. 


How to Use:

Step 1: Cleanse your face or treatment area
Step 2: Mix the ploymer and the lifting pack together, mix with brush 
Step 3: On clean skin, apply the mixed product with the brush in upwards movement (chin to forhead movement)
Step 4: Leave the mask on for 20 mins
Step 5: Remove the mask with luke warm water
Step 6: Towel dry, and continue with other finishing products 

*Recommended to use minimally once per week, for one month; or every 4-5 days